American Mixtape: Juneteenth (live from home) - limited edition

American Mixtape: Juneteenth (live from home) - limited edition

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I made this mixtape on Tuesday June 16, 2020, reflecting on the sounds of freedom, in the days before the Juneteenth holiday in this year of reckoning.

These are some favorite pieces by Black composers: William Grant Still, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Florence Price, Arthur Cunningham….

These are single takes recorded straight to tape, just an audio journal of a meditation on Freedom.

This is a limited-edition run of 50 copies. Proceeds from this mixtape benefit the ACLU, keeping up the fight for civil rights in America.

If you need a cassette player, the good people at Moodies Records and Tape - a Black-owned musical mecca for more than three decades - will be happy to help you out.
